
Project Details

Stepping into unreal engine 4

Breakout was a hobby project that i worked on my freetime that ultimately became my Exam Project for High School.
I spent over 400 hours learning Unreal Engine 4, Blender, Photoshop, Xnormal, Audacity, GIMP,  Reason, to build this project on my own. I did modeling, uv mapping, blueprint scripting, creation of unreal materials & shaders, level design.
I used the first person shooter template, a few free material packs, some decal packs & audio samples a foundation.
The music have been written and recorded by me. 

A top down orthographic view

A quick rundown of the game

overview of the blueprinting

Player Controller

User Interface

Sound playback based on running animation and contact material

Some pictures that i took as a devlog to keep track of my progress: